Saturday, July 17, 2010

So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me

My animal science class went on a 3 day field trip to the Dallas zoo. On the bus ride down, I sat with an old friend named Juan. I’d known Juan since elementary school, and had always had this burning question to ask him, but never felt that I should. Until that day on the bus; ‘what happened to your other arm?’

He had only one arm. He spent the next hour explaining what had happened, and opened up to some very emotional family struggles. I felt moved by his vulnerability, so I shared some of my own. I told him about Scott. About the hell that I was currently living. How he kept me on a leash, though he was states away. 

Later, that evening at the hotel, Scott called and in typical Scott fashion, he berated me for an hour because he had a bad day, and I was probably whoring on my field trip. 
This time, though, someone heard every word. Juan sat next to me with widened eyes. He clenched his fist and wanted to shield me from it. 

On the bus ride home, he touched my face and told me that I deserved better. He kissed me and I pulled away. 

Someone was watching. The spy followed me everywhere. 

When we got home, Scott called. More fighting. He finally had proof of my whoring. Someone kissed me on the bus. He broke up with me. 
I could breathe again. 

Some months passed, and I stayed single. I spent a lot of time with Adrian. I had introduced him to my friend Kitty, and they started dating. I was the third wheel, but they didn’t seem to mind. 

One day, Adrian called. Kitty was out of town, but he was hanging out with our friend Danny and they wanted to know if I wanted to hang out, too. I always thought Danny was cute. So I said yes. 

We three spent the day together and had the best time. The next day, Danny called. He was at Adrian’s house still, but wanted to see me. So I drove over and picked him up. We sat on my bed and talked. When I was mid sentence, he pulled me to him and gave me one of those only-in-the-movies kisses. Just as we pulled away, I saw flashing lights out my window. I looked out, and no less than 5 police cars were in my driveway. 

Danny told me to close the blinds. “What did you do?” I asked in disbelief. Sheriffs burst into my bedroom then and handcuffed him in front of me. 

He was a runaway, breaking his probation, and had weed in his pocket. 

My boyfriend track record was becoming laughable. 

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