Sunday, August 8, 2010

Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back, Louis nap sack, where I hold'n all tha work at


One day after work,, I arrived at the apartment to find two guys I didn't know there. They handed something to Ninja, he gave them a wad of bills and they left. When they were gone, Ninja unwrapped the small bundle and found 3 crack rocks inside. He blew up. "I asked for Ecstasy! Not this crap!", he yelled. I told him he was an idiot for not looking at what he was buying. Ninja asked to borrow my phone. He tried calling the boys back but got no answer. "Fuck it. Let's just smoke this shit.", he said. I had never smoked crack before so I was willing to try. He fashioned a crack pipe out of the broken pipe we had used for the hot rails and some Brillo. he put the small rock inside and lit it. After he took a hit, he handed it to me. He told me to smoke it like I was smoking weed. So I held the lighter out to light the end and took a big hit, held it in and tried to exhale. Immediately I started choking, coughing and gasping for air. My throat was immediately numb and it felt like it was closing up. I freaked out because I couldn't breathe. Every time I gulped for air, my throat burned and I coughed instead. After about 5 minutes of panic, the feeling subsided and I was really freaking high. I was not much of a downer girl, I liked the stimulants, but this feeling was okay. We smoked the rest of the rock and I got up to leave. It was about 10:00 pm. I got in my car and drove off. My head and throat were still very numb and I was light headed. It was pretty dark but once I pulled out in traffic, I was feeling confident. My light turned red but I didn't notice and kept going, almost slamming into an ambulance. Luckily I stopped in time and then noticed the red light. When it was green I kept going. I went about two miles until I got to the highway that took me to my house. Once I got on, there weren't as many street lights and that's when I realized that my headlights were not on. I quickly flipped them on and made a mental note to not drive on crack anymore.

The next day when I got to the apartment, I was told by Daniel that him and Ninja had smoked one of the rocks so there was only one left. Ninja handed it to me and told me I could have it all. Just then, a neighbor who we had done coke with a couple of times named Chingo came over. He was a middle aged Mexican man who had ruined his life by becoming an alcoholic. He lost custody of his son and lived alone. He told us that he just spent the last of his money on whiskey and his son's birthday was coming up. He felt horrible. He sat down next to me and I offered the crack pipe to him. He eagerly took it and the two of us smoked it all. Then he hopped up and ran back to his place. He came back with two more crack rocks and the four of us took care of them. Later when we were alone, Daniel handed me half of a rock. He told me he broke it off before Ninja got to it so I could have some. I put it in an old baggie and kept it in the glove compartment in my car. Chingo came back one more time with a small bag of weed he wanted me to have for sharing my crack with him. I put that in my glove compartment as well.

It was the last week of school before graduation and my criminal justice class took a field trip to the county jail. I drove there myself in my car and before getting out, I stashed my meth pipe and my cigarettes in the glove compartment next to my weed and crack rock. Irony.

I was beginning to having nothing but disdain for Daniel. He drove me crazy. Being in the halfway house stunted his maturity and at 20, he still wouldn't cuss. I'd heard enough "Dagnabit's" and "fudge!" for a lifetime. I didn't require that my boyfriends cuss, but I did want them to be more of a man instead of a 10 year old. So I calmly explained to him that I felt like I was a bad influence on him. I was not ready for a relationship and wanted to just be friends. He was sad but agreed that he wanted to remain friends. I really couldn't stand Daniel and only agreed to be friends so Ninja would still have a place to live. Who incidentally I secretly started dating later that night.

That same night, Daniel had to go to work while me, Ninja, Sam, and Adam sat in Daniel’s kitchen and shot up the best dope we'd had yet. The meth drought was officially over.

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