Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm heading out - I've got some ends who say they care


Every day was becoming more and more routine. I often spent all night going on jobs with Callie and fighting with Ninja. I started noticing that drugs were no longer curing my constant nausea and I had chewed a large hole in my cheek from tweaking. One afternoon Ninja and I were over at Brett’s house. Jackson was there and said his ride fell through and asked if I would give him a ride so he could go sell to a few people. I agreed to if we could go a little later.

We left and drove over to Baker's house. He surprised us with some drugs and we all pulled out pipes. While we were smoking, Jackson arrived ready for me to go. I was having a good time and told him to find a new ride so he borrowed Brett’s mom's car instead.

A week later, Callie came over to Baker’s and asked if we'd heard the news. The day Jackson wanted me to give him a ride, he had been parked in a parking lot measuring out some dope when a police car parked along side him. He was arrested for having 10 grams of methamphetamine on him with intent to sell, along with 2 sawed off shotguns in the trunk. He got 20 years. I was so relieved that I hadn't given him a ride.

Baker pulled me aside and told me he was worried about me. He said that I didn't look right, that I looked off balance when I walked. I told him I was fine and blew him off. A few days later, Callie and Ninja told me the same thing. Baker told me I was too young to ruin my life like he had done his. He was feeling guilty for providing me with drugs. Callie was feeling the same way. I was angry with both of them, even though I knew they were right. I started spending more time with Ninja. One afternoon, I was driving to Baker's and popped an Eve 6 song into my CD player. A song called Promise came on and I broke down. The lines:

I promise not to try not to fuck with your mind
I promise not to mind if you go your way and I go mine
I promise not to lie if I'm looking you straight in the eye
I promise not to try not to let you down

made me think of what I was doing to my mom. We had always had a pretty good relationship, even through all my rebellious teen years and the guilt tore me apart suddenly. I realized that nothing in my life made me happy anymore except drugs. I use to be such an animal lover and suddenly could not remember when I last pet my dog. I dried my tears when I arrived.
We spend the night together after I went on what would be my last deal, although I didn't know it at the time. I showed him a letter I was trying to write to my mom asking for help. Admitting to being an addict. He told me he agreed with my decision to quit. The problem was, I didn't know if I would have the courage to quit. I was deathly afraid of the thought of not being able to use. The next afternoon, I had to go home because I had a doctor appointment. I promised Ninja that I would be back as soon as I was done.

I arrived home and my mom told me that they would probably want to do some blood work since I was a new patient, so I had better not eat anything. I panicked. They would certainly find the drugs in my system. I ran to the kitchen and started eating. My mom tried to stop me but I told her that I was starving. I weighed myself. I was 81 lbs. I knew they would at least hospitalize me for anorexia,  so I pulled on my rain boots and searched my room for things to hide in them to weigh me down. As I was looking, I suddenly became exhausted. I laid down on my bed for just a few minutes. I accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up, I looked at my clock. It was almost time to go. I stood up and headed down the hall. When I opened the garage door to find my mom going through my car. My heart sank into my stomach. she had found my journal and confronted me. She asked me to tell her, without lying, if I was a drug addict. I was trapped, so I confessed. The rest of the day was a blur. I vaguely remember trying to plan my escape from a moving car. I vaguely remember trying not to cry when the doctor comforted me and told me they would get me help and I vaguely remember my mom talking to my nana and cancelling my graduation trip to Hawaii. The only thing I remember with great vividness was standing in my driveway while my mom and nana talked as I stared at a flower in the garden and feeling the worse feeling I've ever felt. This feeling of utter terror. It's so hard to describe. I looked at this pink flower and nothing felt familiar. Like I had never been at my home. Like I had never seen a flower and I didn't know those two women standing there talking about me. This feeling of a wild animal in a cage. My only though was freedom. I wondered if I started out running, if I could make it to Baker’s house.

The next day, we visited my psychiatrist I'd been seeing since the Adam incident. I still had the same terrified feeling. I heard him mention sending me to detox. I couldn't breathe. Something was suffocating me. On the way to detox, I begged my mother not to take me. To just let me go to rehab somewhere. I told her I HAD to tell Ninja what was going on. She drove me to Baker’s house but Ninja was not there. I knocked on the door and opened it. I told Baker that I was going to go away and get help. Tears filled his heavily made up eyes and he squeezed my hand and wished me luck. Then I got back in the car.

I spent a week laying on my couch. I would fall asleep for hours. When I woke up, in a pool of sweat, I was starving. I ate until it hurt and then I passed out again. Over and over...

One day, we went to a book store and I asked for a journal. When we got home, I tried to write my feelings, but I ended up falling asleep. I was much happier to sleep than to be awake, because when I was awake my only thought was escape. The terror never left me. Plus I was dying for a cigarette. It was raining heavily that night. I was so worried about Ninja. I took a shower and put on ripped up jeans, my black Coyote Ugly top, a floral long sleeved shirt and green Converse shoes without socks. I threw on a red raincoat too. I knew this was my night to leave. My mind was driving me crazy and I could no longer stand the feeling of terror. I knew that if I did not get rid of this feeling, that I would kill myself. I had already went though the possible methods. I was going to swallow pills. I was going to slit my wrist. I was going to steal a bike and ride into traffic. I didn't care how, I just knew I was going to die if I didn't leave. I had to die to rid myself of the feelings. I wrote letters to my family. At the time, I didn't know if they were run away letters or suicide letters, but either way they would work. I asked my mom to drive to Baker’s just to see if Ninja was alright in the weather. After much convincing and manic pleading, she agreed.

She told me to put my purse in the back seat. I did, but slipped my wallet into the sleeve of my raincoat. I stumbled around in the dark to his tent. He was in there sleeping. I woke him up and whispered that we had to get out of here. He shook his head. We walked out and my mom told me to get back in the car. I shook my head and ran in the other direction. I could hear my mom screaming and honking the horn. It broke my heart but I had to go. I knew I wouldn't survive if I didn't. We took several back alleys and finally crossed the street. We walked down a very bad side of town. A large man appeared and we began talking to him. He seemed nice and invited us to his apartment but we declined. On we walked. We crossed another big street. I told him we should go to Josh's house. It was all the way across town. We stopped at an ATM and I took out $5. That was about all I had in there. Then we went to an all night convenience store where we bough a cheap pack of disgusting cigarettes and a drink. On we walked. Finally we made it to Josh’s house. Brett was over there as well. Neither one of them had drugs but that was fine. I just wanted to sleep. We passed out on the couch at about 6:00 am. At exactly 7, we awoke to an irate woman screaming. She was Josh’s mom and ordered us to get out. Me, Ninja, Brett, and Jackson's two large pit bulls who Josh was caring for started off down the street. Several blocks later, I stopped to rest. I was so exhausted. I took my shoes off because they were hurting my feet and saw that large flaps of skin from my heels were torn off, because I'd been walking all night with no socks. Ninja carried my shoes for me and we continued to walk. I left small trails of blood behind me that the dogs licked up. I found one flip flop in someones yard and wore it on the foot that was the worse off. I put the other shoe back on. Brett wandered off by himself with the dogs and we decided to walk to Callie's boyfriends house that was several blocks away. We stopped at a store and used the payphone with the last quarter we had. I called Mel in hopes that she would give us a ride. I forgot she was in summer school. She didn't answer so we stopped at a laundromat across the street to rest. I sat in a chair and hung my head down and fell asleep. I heard a woman asking if I was alright and Ninja said I was but that I was tired. An hour passed and we got up to walk again. The woman bought me a bottle of water and gave us a few cigarettes. We walked a few more blocks and stopped at a park where I collapsed. We slept another hour in the grass. Finally, he told us we had to get there so we continued on. We made it to the house and luckily Callie was there. She made me a sandwich and gave us more cigarettes. She told us she would get us a ride back to Baker’s house. When the car arrived, she pulled me aside and handed me some change. "Call your mom and end this." she told me. The man gave us a ride back and we crawled into Ninja's tent. Baker wasn't home. There was a letter left for me from my mom asking me to call her. After a nap, Ninja gave me a pair of his socks so I could put my shoes on again and we walked to a pay phone where I called. I demanded that my mom meet me somewhere to give me some money. We argued for a while and I had a hard time standing up straight. Finally she agreed to meet me. I got off the phone and we walked to another store to buy a hot dog with the rest of the money Callie had given me. I felt bad about eating meat, I hadn't in years but I was starving. On the way back, I saw my mom. But I also saw my dad and papa. They had ambushed us. I was drug to the car and we drove away. I kicked and screamed all the way home. I had a breakdown when we arrived home and for some reason, they agreed to let me see Ninja. That he could come over for supervised visits, but that I wasn't allowed out anywhere. I took the best shower ever and dressed in all black. I felt a hint of nostalgia for my goth days. We drove back to Baker's where they explained the rules to Ninja. They drove him to my house and fed him.

Every day became the same, again. My mom drove me to pick up Ninja, he was quitting drugs too (because he no longer had me, the dealer and connection, or my money) so he was withdrawing as heavily as I still was. We ate a ton of food and then napped. But he did have cigarettes which we would smoke.

One night I weighed myself. I had eaten so much lately I wanted to see the result. I was an even 100 lbs. That night, my withdrawal was particularly bad and I spent most of the night throwing up. Immediately the next morning I weighed myself again. I had dropped to 96 lbs.
June 17, 2006. The day I quit meth.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One for the treble, two for the bass...

It was raining out one night and I worried about Ninja out in the tree. He called his mother and asked her to send him some money. In the mean time, I borrowed $100 from my mom so he could rent a room in a motel. I would have used my own money but my bank account had been drained from all the drugs I had been buying. I promised her that as soon and his mom sent the check, I would pay her back. We drove to a Days Inn and I went in to get a room since Ninja didn't have a license. I told him to rest up because we would have to find somewhere else for him if the rain didn't stop by tomorrow.

The next morning before work, I stopped by the motel to check on Ninja. I walked in and there were several friends of ours sitting around tweaking. I was so angry with Ninja for using the rest of the money on drugs instead of saving it for tonight. but he made me feel better when he showed me he had saved some dope for me. I took several large hits from the pipe and took off for work. I was tweaking hard so I spent the entire day at work buffing my fingernails almost completely off with the nail buffer I kept in my purse. My nails needed to be clipped and I discovered that all the drugs I've been on had made my nails very brittle so I could easily peel off as much as I wanted. I also found out that my hair was brittle too. I took several strands and broke them in half. It was a little alarming.
After work, Ninja and I went to Brett’s house. His mother told Ninja he could stay over for one night. I called my mom and said I was staying the night with a friend so I could stay there too. Brett’s mom had some new dope that we smoked that night.

The next morning, Ninja and I visited Mom and Adrian before I had to go to work. Mom took me by the arm and lead me into her bedroom. She handed me a box and told me that inside was her pipe and the best dope she had ever tried. She told me to try a little in the bathroom. I went to the bathroom, locked the door and opened the box. I pulled my pipe out instead so I could save some. I poured a little of the dope in and stood in front of the mirror as I took a big hit. All of a sudden, everything turned black and my head started to feel tingly. As soon as my vision cleared, I was on the biggest high of my life. I didn't know what kind of meth this was, but it was amazing. I melted a little more down, let it dry in my pipe and stored it in my purse. I came out of the bathroom and told Ninja I had to get to work. He had nowhere to go so he was going to stay in my car while I worked. When I drove into the parking lot, I handed my pipe to Ninja and told him there was amazing shit inside. Then I got out and went to work.

A few days passed and finally I got the check from Ninja's mom for $200. I cashed it, gave $100 to my mom and I called my own dealer and bought $100 worth of drugs with the rest. I arrived at Baker's house where Ninja had stayed the night and handed the baggie to him. Callie asked if I could take her on a deal so I did. When we got back, Ninja had taken the drugs and broken down half in one syringe and half in another. I was livid because I had planned on smoking it. Something was making me terrified of shooting up again. I didn't know what it was, call it intuition. Ninja shot his up and went outside. I sat on Baker’s bed and worried. I held the syringe that had 3 times as much dope in it than I had ever shot up before. Baker asked if I wanted him to administer in for me. I told him no. He asked if I wanted him to pour it out and dry what he could. I knew it would lose its potency so I told him no. He knelt down in front of me and ran his fingers through my hair. He told me not to do it if I didn't want to. He reached his head up and I knew he was coming in for a kiss so I lowered my head so he would kiss my forehead instead. As much as I loved him, as a friend, I just couldn't kiss a 51 year old man. Even though I was beginning to like him better that Ninja. He was tired so I got off of his bed and told him to go to sleep. I went in the living room and sat down. Ninja came in and told me if I felt that strongly about it, then I shouldn't do it. But that was my drugs. I wasn't about to let him or anyone else have it. We sat for 3 hours in silence. I started to feel sick again, I always did when I didn't have drugs in my system, so I finally agreed to do it, but I wanted him to do it for me. I went into the bathroom. I had never been in there before and was a little astonished to see a dozen small dolls lining the bathtub. They were wet and I wondered if Baker bathed with them. I put the lid down on the toilet and sat down. Ninja knelt in front of me and put on the tourniquet. I tightened it and found a vein for him. I looked away as he slipped the needle into my arm. I suddenly felt sicker. My vision was gone again and all I saw was black. I lost my balance and fell off the toilet, hitting my head on the bathtub before falling to the floor. I don't know what dying feels like, but I knew I was pretty close. I started shaking uncontrollably and I felt consciousness pulling away from me. I don't know how to describe it other than it was a physical pulling sensation and I wrestled with it. I felt my mind slipping away so I tried desperately to concentrate on something. I started shaking my foot and blocked out the sound of Ninja screaming at me while I concentrated on the sound of Baker snoring. I felt a warm sensation on my face and knew it was Ninja slapping me. It couldn't have been longer than 5 minutes but it felt like hours. I finally felt another warm sensation in my arm and suddenly my vision started to clear. I started feeling better. The dizziness and pulling was gone and Ninja helped me sit up. He had injected clean water into my vein in an attempt to “clean” them. When I was fully conscious I felt better than ever. I had bad cotton mouth so we went to the store for a coke. I was floating.

I arrived home at 9:45 pm. Usually being as high as I was, I would have been awake for over 24 hours but I was suddenly so tired. I laid down on the couch and passed out instantly. I didn't wake up again until 5:30 pm the next evening. I was late for work! I jumped up and got ready as fast as I could. I felt horrible. My head was pounding and I couldn't walk straight. I had a hangover from Hell. When I got to work, they told me that being late was the last straw. I had called in from work 11 times since I'd been there and their policy was 10 days. They told me not to come back. I was a little relieved because I hated that job and no longer had the mental capacity to work with money. I went over to Baker's house instead to see him and Ninja. They were inside on the phone with a dealer so I sent out on the porch and started writing a poem in my journal. I thought back to what made me get into drugs in the first place. I hated Scott more for making me escape from him with meth. Drugs were no longer fun. My two friends, Mel and Sam were no longer around. They had their own drug circles. Ninja was the only person close to my age that I associated with. I started writing.


In my dreams
I cry out a name
Fear of loss
Found lurking
In shadows
I dreamed him
Silhouetted against
The past

Iron gates scaled for
Freedom fists and
Bats raised in tyranny
The fatherland engulfs
His mother’s name

Echoing in my head…

Tired eyes search
Huddled masses of
Hope and despair
Contradictions collide
Cling to who I can
The smell of decay
Ripe in the air
Separation sharp
In my throat

Dry lips cannot refuse
The sustenance of salt
Taken from bruised hands
A spirit returned
Bent but not broken…

Years later
Hated again
The search for freedom
Taking different forms

Scar tissue still
Fear lingers like a first love
Freedom a limited resource
Fear always in abundance
Resolved in delicate snowflakes
Encased in glass pipes.

Poets profess
American in our ignorance
Savor the foreign delicacy
The exotic metaphor
The hollow call

More willing to spill ink
Abrading embrace
Then distance taught
My heart
To cherish self again-
And the crucible of a heart
Hollowed so thin that
Screaming had seeped
In and taken refuge
I welled up with the source
Of that sound, rushed up
Curling up
And I screamed
-As I never had before,
And the rush of blood
Bruising, forfeited freedoms
And stolen styles - stolen smiles
Seething to a flashflood;
Spun on my axis - long
And stiff - the sex object
My brain - and I get fucked from my self.
Myself as human.

Where in ebbed;
Leaving the residue
Of my soul

Deep in reality,
I am alone.
I no longer recognize

Callie arrived and saw me outside. I told her what had happened the day before and how I was feeling. she told me I was too young to lose myself further and that maybe I should get help. I told her I didn't want to. Then she proposed a new job for me. Since I was no longer making money for drugs and gas, she would supply gas money if I became her business partner. The few times I went with her while she was making drug deals, she had received some positive "feedback" from her boyfriend. He said that his 'clients' felt safe and like everything was on the level with two women selling to them. She asked if we could use my car and become a dealer with her. In return, her boyfriend would pay car expenses and give us free drugs. I agreed.

A week went by with my new job and Ninja was not happy. I was so busy working that I had neglected him. I picked him up and we started driving to Brett’s house so I could drop off some drugs for him. We began fighting in the car. After the deal, we were on our way back to Baker’s house when Ninja told me that I was a drug addict. I knew it but I was angry that he of all people was judging me. I started yelling at him and he grabbed my pipe from my purse, opened the car door and smashed it on in the street while I was stopped at a red light. I lost it. When the light turned green I hit the gas and planned to slam into whatever was in front of me. Ninja screamed at me to stop. Instead I turned onto the street that lead to Baker's house. I hit the gas again and Ninja grabbed the steering wheel. I stopped and pushed the horn. It was late at night and Ninja was scared the cops would be called so he reached for me and grabbed me by the throat. I started to scream for him to get out. He opened the car door and before he could step all the way out, I took off. We weren't far from Baker’s house so when I stopped in front of it, got out and started throwing all of Ninja's belongings into the street. Ninja caught up with me and tried to grab me. Instead I ran around to the other side and found his box he kept his paraphernalia in. I found a full syringe that he had planned to use and before he could catch me, I pulled the stopper out and spilled the drugs all over the ground. He chased me around the car and I ran to the front door and started banging on it. No one answered so I called Baker on his cell. He wasn't home but said he was close by and asked what was wrong. I was hysterical and tried to explain that Ninja was trying to kill me. Baker said he would be right there and hung up. Soon, his truck flew into the driveway and he jumped out. He ran to me and kept me behind him as he threatened Ninja and told him to get off of his property. The two of us went inside. It was there that I noticed Baker had blue eyeshadow and mascara on. I smiled to myself as I tried to explain what had happened. I cried over my broken pipe and Baker promised to buy me a new one. We sat for a few hours and then Ninja showed up at the door. He apologized for what had happened. I knew he was going through withdrawal, that's why he was so scary. I was going through the same thing. Baker had some drugs so he got it out so we could all feel better.

That night, a friend of Baker’s came over with something wrapped in tin foil. He handed us a straw and held a flame under the foil. We all inhaled the smoke that started floating out of the crevices. I started feeling weird. I had never done heroin before.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The most that I can learn - Is in records that you burn - Get your gunn, get your gunn


I spent nearly every day at Baker’s house. We would buy some dope, usually with my money, and sit and smoke it until it was gone. Then we would talk. One day I came over and Ninja was acting very strange. He was muttering to himself and jumping at every sound. He ran into the backyard and stayed there for a long time.

Callie and I were sitting in the living room when Baker came in with his hand bandaged. He told us that he had a pinched nerve. The doctor had given him pain killers and muscle relaxers. He had taken too many and was stumbling around and slurring his speech. He bent down to tell me how beautiful I was and pretended to trip so he could try to touch my chest. Callie got up, scolded him and shooed him away. Then Ninja burst in shouting about the masked men outside. He jumped over the piles of junk to show us what was out the window - nothing. He was going through 'meth psychosis' and a lack of sleep. "I can't stand these crazy guys! Let's get out of here!" Callie said to me, so we got into my car and drove away. He boyfriend called her while we were driving and asked her to deliver something for him. We went to his out and he gave us 5 grams of meth. He gave her a list of all the people buying that night along with addresses. "Keep whatever is left." he told us. Callie took the wheel and we went to the first house in a run down neighborhood. When we arrived at the door, a man let us in and hugged Callie. He took us to a back room and told us how much he wanted. Callie pulled an electric scale out of her purse and asked if I knew how to use one. I faintly recalled my sophomore chemistry class so I took the scale and the large bag of dope. I measured out what the man wanted while Callie took and counted the money. After I wrapped the dope up in cellophane and gave it to the man, we were on to the next house where we did the same thing. 10 houses later and we were finished. We drove the money back to her boyfriend's house and headed back to Baker's with out substantial reward. On the way, she asked if I minded stopping at her son's apartment. I agreed and we pulled off. We climbed the stairs to his door and knocked. A short young man with dark hair answered. "Jason!" Callie cried and hugged him. He let us in and Callie introduced me to him and his room mate. In the car she had made me promise not to mention the drugs we had on us but once we were inside she was telling him all about it. He asked if we could all smoke a little and she asked me if it was alright. I was a little surprised but I pulled it out of my purse and we got busy.

Later, we returned to Baker’s to show him and Ninja what we had. Baker and Ninja wanted to shoot up so Baker went to find a big box of syringes he kept. We each got one. After that I asked Ninja if he wanted to go visit my friend Brett. He agreed so we got in the car and left. When we got to Brett’s I saw another old friend named Josh there. Josh had just bought some dope and asked us to join them. This time we smoked it. Brett showed me his new tattoos while Josh talked about some good stuff he was buying tomorrow. I gave them my number and told them to call me so I could try it. Finally, it was late so I had to go home.

The next day I had a little dope left hardened in my pipe so I smoked it in the parking lot before going in to work. I spent the whole time reorganizing the jewelry cleaner. I loved tweaking at work. When I got bored, I power-walked around the store.

After work, I checked my phone. I had a missed call from Brett. I called him back and he told me to get over to his house to try the new stuff so I went to pick up Ninja and head over there. When we got there, I had another call. It was Josh this time telling me to leave Ninja in the car because Jackson was coming and he hated Ninja. I was surprised to hear that. I thought they were friends. I told Ninja to stay in the car while I went inside. When I got in, Jackson wasn't even there. I asked them what was going on and they told me they just didn't like Ninja. They asked me to sit down and offered me a cigarette. While we smoked, they told me that they didn't have the dope yet and that Jackson was bringing it. We talked for about 20 minutes and smoked more cigarettes when I remembered that Ninja was still in the car. I asked if he could come in yet and they said yes. I went out and got him. Later, Jackson arrived. Brett’s mom answered the door and invited him in. He showed her the dope and she paid for it. Then she asked if we would all like to smoke some, and a circle was formed. We passed and talked for an hour. It was getting late and I was still having fun so I called my mom and told her I was sleeping over with a friend.

Jackson mentioned something about his ex being at his place and not wanting to go home. He asked if he could hang out with us. He got in the back seat of my car and we drove all night long. When the sun was coming up, I looked to see that he had fallen asleep in the back seat. I told Ninja to get rid of him because I wanted him out. I stopped at a convenience store so I could buy some cigarettes. When I got back to the car, Ninja told me the plan. Since Jackson cooked meth, he would need someone to help buy all the supplies because it was too suspicious for him to buy it all the time. I agreed. We dropped him off at a friends and went to the store. We wandered around looking for carbon, string, drain cleaner, Sudaphed and everything else on the list Jackson had scrawled on the back of an ATM receipt. After buying it, we took it back to Jackson and gave him a ride to his house, where he gave us a chemistry lesson.

Days went by and life was becoming routine. Go to Baker's house, get high, go to work, go back to Baker's house and get high. Occasionally we'd go to Brett's and smoke with him, his mom and Josh. One afternoon, on my day off I was at Baker's when Callie got a call. A friend of her's was going crazy at another friend's house and wanted to leave but had no transportation. He told her if she could get him a ride, he'd give that person 1/2 a gram of dope. Callie was on her way to her boyfriend's but offered the job to me and Ninja. I agreed. Ninja drove while we went to this house to pick up Geoff. Geoff was a very large read haired man in his mid 50's. We picked him up and we could tell he was tweaking heavily. He threw a duffel bag in my trunk and hopped in. We asked where he wanted to go and he told us anywhere but here. We drove around for a while when I got a call from Jackson. He was at a store outside of town and needed a lift. We set off in his direction. Geoff made me nervous so I was fidgeting in the passenger's seat. There was a pry bar by the door that we had for emergencies and I played with that for a while, then I flipped my phone open a few times to check the time. Suddenly Geoff asked us to pull over, he wanted to change his shoes. When he got back in, he flashed a large handgun. "Just for my protection" he said, and he pointed the gun at the back of my seat. "Keep driving" he said. I was so bummed out that I had somehow upset him. I knew I wasn't going to get the drugs that were promised to me. I partially wondered why I wasn't more alarmed that there was a gun at my back. We arrived at the store and Geoff, who was luckily a friend of Jackson's, surprised him with a gun in his face. They had a good laugh while Jackson climbed in and we drove to Jackson's place to drop them off. As I suspected, I didn't get payment.

The next day Callie told me that Geoff was paranoid and thought I had taken a picture of him with my camera phone and planned to hit him over the head with the pry bar. Oh.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This is not how I am, I have become comfortably numb


It was my graduation day. The dress I had bought just a few days before was now too big. I got in the car and drove there by myself. When I arrived, I found Sam in the frenzy of nervous graduates. We stood and waited for instructions. Mel, unfortunately, was not going to be graduating with us. She would have to make up a class she failed and graduate later in the summer. While we waited, David approached me, gave me a hug and asked if I could score him some acid.

After graduation, Ninja, Daniel and Adrian joined me at my house and we had a cook out with some of my family. Ninja and I stole away several times to kiss. Afterwards, we dropped Daniel off at the apartment and took Adrian home. Mom welcomed me in and said she had some graduation gifts for me. First was a beautiful cameo pendant on a pale pink ribbon. The other was a bag of dope and a pipe. We smiled and ran to her room to 'try it on'.

I got a call when I was at home one evening. It was Mel warning me that she heard that Scott was back in town. I stood frozen. Fear crept over me. I couldn't breathe. I went to see Ninja. He told me to forget about him. He was on a mission to get back at the guys who gave him crack instead of X and asked me to come along. He got the the guys address from a new guy he'd met named Jackson. We got in my car and drove to the house. Daniel came along too. Ninja kicked the door in and confronted a guy we didn't know. The guy told us that the man we were looking for was in jail. Ninja stole a bunch of things that belong to this man and we left.

Later, Ninja suggested that we go hang out with Jackson. He told me that Jackson had something to do and that he needed a car. I agreed. That night someone dropped Jackson off at the apartment and left. He was a tall, clean cut guy. We all got in the car with Ninja driving and Jackson directed us where to go. He told us that he was a manufacturer and he had to collect on some debts. We got to one house and Jackson went to the door. No one was home so he rummaged through the mailbox and stole a credit card. Later, we went to another house outside of town. "These people may put up a fight. Ninja, are you down?" Ninja said he was. "I'll need a get away driver. How about you?" he asked me and winked.

We drove to the back of the house and I slid into the drivers side while Ninja and Jackson got out. Jackson pulled a gun out of his pants and handed a bat to Ninja. They told me to turn the headlights off and to keep the motor running. I sat in the dark for what seemed hours. Finally, as if nothing had happened, they returned and calmly told me to drive. We passed a gas station and Jackson told me to pull in. He bought me a full tank of gas with the stolen card.

The next morning I got another call. Mel told me not to worry about Scott. Apparently Gary, who had been our friend at Sam's infamous birthday party, had somehow acquired Scott’s old I.D. and was just arrested for shooting a police officer. Gary was high on meth at the time. He got a life sentence.

The next day, Ninja was frustrated because he couldn't get a hold of any of his dealers. "Do you remember Baker? I think I remember where he lives. We could try him." Baker was a very eccentric man in his early 50's. The night I first met him, he was at the apartment with Ninja doing coke lines while I was still dating Daniel. He was seated at the table in the back room wearing denim overalls, a tuxedo jacket and a black top hat. He had brown disheveled hair and was with a woman about 10 years younger than him. Her name was Callie. She really looked too nice to be around any of us, with a nice hair do and a pretty cream colored sweater. We hopped in my car and went to find Baker's house. After a few wrong turns, we finally found it. It was a very small house. There was a makeshift deck built out of spare, rotting boards, and the porch was barely visible due to the amount of junk piled on. Baskets, bike parts, half a piano, bags of garbage, clown heads, wind chimes and clay pots were piled up everywhere. After we maneuvered to the door, Ninja knocked and we heard crashing inside. Finally Baker opened the door, looked at us for a while and let us in. The house was in worse shape than the porch. The back wall wasn't visible at all. All kinds of furniture was piled all the way to the ceiling among other junk. Baker uncovered a couch and asked us to sit down. "I apologise for the mess. But these are my treasures." he told us. He sat in a rocking chair with a large rainbow flag tied to the back. Ninja began asking him if we new where to score some dope. While he was talking, Baker rolled a joint and offered it to me. Then he fished a cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. While he talked, I looked around the room. I could see a small hallway behind Baker that lead into a very tiny kitchen. There was a small nook on the other side where a twin bed dressed in zebra print covers and various decorative pillows sat. The walls that I could see had small concert posters everywhere. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones. I studied George's surroundings and made mental notes. I'd learned quickly that you have to get drug dealers to like you, because being on their bad side could be deadly. I never underestimated anyone in the drug game. "I hear you know Jackson. If you pick him up and bring him here, he'll sell to you." Baker told us. He gave us an address and told us he would see us soon.

Ninja and I set off. We arrived at a trailer park. When we knocked on the door, I was shocked to see an old friend from middle school named Brett. We picked up Jackson and left. 

When we got back, Callie was there. We made the money transaction with Jackson and we all got busy smoking. During our compulsive tweaker talk, Callie and I bonded. I learned that she was 40 and had a son a year older than me.

The next night I told my mom I was going to be at Mel's house and went to spend the night with Ninja. We had no drugs so Ninja fell asleep early. Having insomnia I sat around and tried to scrape my pipe. All the residue I scraped off I tried to smoke. Then I went out to see what Daniel was doing. I could tell he was in a bad mood. "I just want to know something. Are you dating Ninja?" he asked me. I told him I was and he went crazy. He told me never to come back. I yelled back that I didn't want to be around a guy who rapes his own sister anyway and I stormed out. I heard yelling inside and Ninja emerged with all his things. "I punched him,' he said. 'no one will talk to my girl like that." I smiled as we got in the car. I had a WalMart gift card for graduation so I bought some gas and drinks. We drove to the park and walked out by the water. We made fun of Danny until we finally drifted off to sleep. We woke up when the sun was coming up and realized we were covered in ants. After brushing off and running to the car, we drove to a convenience store. I got out all the change I had and counted it on the dashboard. I had just enough for one pack of cigarettes. When I went in to get them, I noticed a girl I'd gone to elementary school with was working there. She recognised me and started talking. I must have looked pretty bad because she told me not to worry, she was going through some crap too. She was pregnant and single. I told her I was a drug addict and slept in a park that night. She told me I won and to have a nice day. I smiled and left.

We headed to Baker’s house. He had a weird tent in his front yard consisting of an overgrown tree and some tarps. There were bunk beds inside and Baker told Ninja he could stay there. We sat around and smoked some more. I had called in again. Work was really getting in the way of my drug taking. The next day I knew I had to go to work so I smoked a lot before going. I had to close that night so I had to be sure I could stay awake.

At work, I stood and watched the customers pass by. Having a jewelry counter in this store was a joke. I calculated that I had been awake for nearly 3 days straight. I'd had a few mini naps in between. I saw something moving in the corner of my eye. I turned to see vapor swirling inside the glass jewelry cases that surrounded me. It looked like meth vapor in a pipe. I got on my knees to see if I was really seeing this. I did. I started freaking out and jammed the key into the lock to get inside. I had forgotten to step on the security button connected to the diamond case and a shrill alarm went off as I stuck my head in the case to breathe in the drugs. I opened my eyes to see that there was no vapor inside. I was very confused. I could have sworn I saw it. I stood up and saw people staring in my direction. I shut the alarm off and went and hid behind the cash register. Had I just hallucinated? I was tweaking pretty hard and spent the rest of the evening scraping a sticker off the diamond safe. At 9:00 it was time to cash out and close my station down. I tried to remember what I did almost 4 nights a week. I couldnt. I opened the cash register. I took out all the bills. I got out my slip I had to write the amount in bills, checks, etc. on and realized that I had forgotten how to count. I stood there for 10 minutes staring at the money. All the lights were turning off and I still stood there panicking. I wrote down fake numbers and ran to the office to turn everything in. As I walked to my car I wondered what was wrong with me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back, Louis nap sack, where I hold'n all tha work at


One day after work,, I arrived at the apartment to find two guys I didn't know there. They handed something to Ninja, he gave them a wad of bills and they left. When they were gone, Ninja unwrapped the small bundle and found 3 crack rocks inside. He blew up. "I asked for Ecstasy! Not this crap!", he yelled. I told him he was an idiot for not looking at what he was buying. Ninja asked to borrow my phone. He tried calling the boys back but got no answer. "Fuck it. Let's just smoke this shit.", he said. I had never smoked crack before so I was willing to try. He fashioned a crack pipe out of the broken pipe we had used for the hot rails and some Brillo. he put the small rock inside and lit it. After he took a hit, he handed it to me. He told me to smoke it like I was smoking weed. So I held the lighter out to light the end and took a big hit, held it in and tried to exhale. Immediately I started choking, coughing and gasping for air. My throat was immediately numb and it felt like it was closing up. I freaked out because I couldn't breathe. Every time I gulped for air, my throat burned and I coughed instead. After about 5 minutes of panic, the feeling subsided and I was really freaking high. I was not much of a downer girl, I liked the stimulants, but this feeling was okay. We smoked the rest of the rock and I got up to leave. It was about 10:00 pm. I got in my car and drove off. My head and throat were still very numb and I was light headed. It was pretty dark but once I pulled out in traffic, I was feeling confident. My light turned red but I didn't notice and kept going, almost slamming into an ambulance. Luckily I stopped in time and then noticed the red light. When it was green I kept going. I went about two miles until I got to the highway that took me to my house. Once I got on, there weren't as many street lights and that's when I realized that my headlights were not on. I quickly flipped them on and made a mental note to not drive on crack anymore.

The next day when I got to the apartment, I was told by Daniel that him and Ninja had smoked one of the rocks so there was only one left. Ninja handed it to me and told me I could have it all. Just then, a neighbor who we had done coke with a couple of times named Chingo came over. He was a middle aged Mexican man who had ruined his life by becoming an alcoholic. He lost custody of his son and lived alone. He told us that he just spent the last of his money on whiskey and his son's birthday was coming up. He felt horrible. He sat down next to me and I offered the crack pipe to him. He eagerly took it and the two of us smoked it all. Then he hopped up and ran back to his place. He came back with two more crack rocks and the four of us took care of them. Later when we were alone, Daniel handed me half of a rock. He told me he broke it off before Ninja got to it so I could have some. I put it in an old baggie and kept it in the glove compartment in my car. Chingo came back one more time with a small bag of weed he wanted me to have for sharing my crack with him. I put that in my glove compartment as well.

It was the last week of school before graduation and my criminal justice class took a field trip to the county jail. I drove there myself in my car and before getting out, I stashed my meth pipe and my cigarettes in the glove compartment next to my weed and crack rock. Irony.

I was beginning to having nothing but disdain for Daniel. He drove me crazy. Being in the halfway house stunted his maturity and at 20, he still wouldn't cuss. I'd heard enough "Dagnabit's" and "fudge!" for a lifetime. I didn't require that my boyfriends cuss, but I did want them to be more of a man instead of a 10 year old. So I calmly explained to him that I felt like I was a bad influence on him. I was not ready for a relationship and wanted to just be friends. He was sad but agreed that he wanted to remain friends. I really couldn't stand Daniel and only agreed to be friends so Ninja would still have a place to live. Who incidentally I secretly started dating later that night.

That same night, Daniel had to go to work while me, Ninja, Sam, and Adam sat in Daniel’s kitchen and shot up the best dope we'd had yet. The meth drought was officially over.

Monday, August 2, 2010

There will be, ups and downs, smiles and frowns


Daniel got the night stocking job. Ninja, Mel and I drove through an ATM and I withdrew $40. Ninja was on the phone for hours trying to find someone who had some to sell. Finally, he got a hold of someone he didn't like dealing with but it was our only choice. J.D. asked us to come to his place, which was across town. When we got there, no one was home. We sat for a long time waiting until finally a lady with a 5 year old girl drove up. We told her we were waiting for J.D. and she invited us in. While we waited for him, she pulled out a pipe. She took a big hit, passed it to Ninja and smiled at her young daughter playing with a Furby. "You know this is yucky stuff, don't you!" She told her daughter. "Yes, Mommy." She said.

Ninja passed me the pipe and I looked into that little girls big brown eyes as I took a big hit and passed it to Mel. J.D. and another guy burst into the room. Him and Ninja talked business while Mel whispered to me that J.D. was a hit man for the Mexican Mafia. After the deal, J.D. went back outside and unloaded his car. He came back in carrying tons of various weapons, mostly automatic rifles. He winked at me and asked if I'd like to help him clean his guns. The guy he was with came in with another arm load. I glanced at Ninja. He stepped in between us and said that we had to be going.

A week later, we walked into that house again to find that J.D.'s friend, that guy who's name I never caught, had hung himself in the bathroom. I ran out screaming.

One day I was at the apartment with everyone smoking when my mom called me. She wanted me to meet her at a photography studio to get some cap and gown graduation photos. I panicked. I ran to the bathroom and saw that my pupils were dilated to the max. My eyes didn't look human. I met my mom and didn't look her in the eye. I told her that my eyes were irritated and Daniel put some eye drops in that made them feel worse. I got the pictures taken, my ears ringing the whole time, and took off back to the apartment.

At school, we were given our final tests. My English teacher told us that for our final, we had to write an essay. Mel and I both decided to write about our drug habit. We figured with only a couple of weeks left of school, who cares. I took home my pipe and what was left of the dope we bought and I locked myself in my closet in the middle of the night and smoked it. When I was finished, I got a flashlight and wrote me whole essay. The next day I found out Mel had done the same thing. We laughed about it and read each other's papers. At school we turned them in and thought that was that.

The next evening, my teacher called my mom and informed her of my paper. When she confronted me, I was disgusted that she actually thought the paper was about me. I confessed that Mel had had a drug problem last summer and I wrote, in first person, her story. Somehow I got away with it. My teacher wasn't so easy. He told us the next day that he cared too much about us to see us ruin our lives, and asked us to get help. We promised.

At home one night, I saw on the news that local police were cracking down on the meth problem. They must have been doing well because the next few days were very dry. We couldn't find anyone selling. Ninja had met a large African American man living in the building named E. and told him of our troubles. E. sold Ninja some cocaine. He told us that we would have to do coke until the meth production built back up. That same week, a big man, also in the Mexican Mafia came over to the apartment threatening Ninja for something. I never found out what Ninja did but I called Mel to warn her about it. Later that night, I got a call from that man. He told me that what was between him and Ninja was their business and he would sure hate to 'get rid of' a pretty girl like me. I apologised. The next day, Mel broke up with Ninja for that man because he was the only dealer in town who had access to meth.

A few nights later, I went to spend the night at the apartment. Daniel was at work all night so I decided to hang out with Ninja, Adam and Sam. We sat around doing lines of coke. Later, Sam and Adam fell asleep, because the coke wasn't very good, so Ninja and I went for a walk. The only store that was open was a convenience store so we went in and bought some cigarettes. We met another African American man who lived at the apartments named Stony. Stony was a very bad off crack addict. He smiled, revealing the big gap in his teeth and told us he'd knocked out his 2 front teeth so he could hold his pipe easier.

Ninja bought a big bottle of Crown Royal from T. one day and poured some into cups. Ninja, Sam, Adam, Daniel and I all drank and smoked cigarettes. There was a little coke left so we took care of that. Then Ninja got out 5 syringes and started filling them with Crown. We each shot some up. I was impressed that you could taste the alcohol in the back of your throat once it hit your blood stream.

Some people melt 'em down in a needle and shoot 'em up


The weekend came and luckily Scott stayed the night with a friend. I, Mel, Ninja, Sam, Jeremy, and Steven got together in Mel's car and drove out in the middle of the country at midnight. We were packed in her small car, sitting in each other's laps. We had just bought some dope and sat smoking it. Then we drove back into town and around the city. We stopped at Mom's and hung out. We had some extra money so Ninja called a connection of his and we bought more dope. Ninja reserved some for the 4 of us to shoot up later and the rest we passed around in the pipes.

At 3 or 4 in the morning, we were beginning to crash. We said goodbye to Mom and piled back into the car. We drove back to nowhere and Ninja got the syringes ready. Steven and Jeremy told me they were disappointed in me for being a “needle junkie”. They wouldn't listen to me when I told them that this would only be my second time.

Sam went first. "Holy shit, this is way better!", she cried when it hit her veins. Mel went next and then Ninja. I was crashing hard and it put me in a bad mood. My friends were beginning to get on my nerves. I was pissed that I was crammed in the back sitting on Steven’s lap. When it came to my turn, there were so many people in the car that I had to lean over and hold my arm out unsteadily while Ninja tied the tourniquet on in the relative dark. He had a hard time finding my vein and just guessed. I watched him pull some of my blood into the syringe and he was about to push the stopper when I felt a very cold sensation where the needle was. "Oops, blew a vein." Ninja said and started moving the needle around to find a new one. I was pissed. "Take that shit out!" I yelled. He pulled it out and asked if I wanted to drink the contents. I couldn't waste it so I took the syringe and looked at the red, bloody solution. I opened my mouth, squirted it in and threw the syringe out the window. I asked Mel to take me back to my car. The drugs I swallowed wouldn't be enough to get me back to feeling good. I decided going home would be better than sitting around being the only somewhat sober person, who also had a massive headache.

As I was driving home, I rubbed the big blue bubble under my skin where the vein had blown. I was thankful that it was still winter out and I would be wearing my coat when I got home so my parents wouldn't see my mangled arm.

Monday during school, Mel asked if my arm was okay and said that Ninja got a new connect and we had to try out his stuff. After school, Sam and I got in Mel's car and picked up Ninja. We drove around smoking the new stuff, which was amazing, and then they dropped me back off at my car so I could go to work. I had never been to work while tweaking before. I rearranged all the display cases, cleaned the diamonds 2 or 3 times and personally escorted all the customers who had stopped to ask me where the bathroom was.

That night Scott and I had our last fight. He was irate because I had been spending a lot of time with Mel and Sam. The next day I asked Sam how Daniel was doing. She recently moved in with him and Adam. She told me he was fine and newly single. Then she told me that I should dump my asshole boyfriend and go for Daniel. I thought about it for a while, and while I wasn't too attracted to him, it would be nice to have a place to do our drugs. Sam gave me his cell number and told me to call after school and ask for her. She wouldn't be there, so I could start a conversation with him. It worked like a charm. He was out with friends when I called and I asked him to meet me up at the mall. We walked around and flirted for a couple of hours and then I had to get to work.

After work as I was walking out to my car, Scott called me, like he did every night at 9:00. The first thing I said was that I was tired of him. I was tired of his scary mood swings and I was done with him. At first he argued with me. I got in my car and started driving home. By the time I got to my house he was in tears begging me to take him back. The meth I had smoked before going to the mall that day was still in my system and gave me the courage to stay strong. It was finally over. I gave all the credit to meth. It saved me from that relationship.

The next night after work, I stopped by the apartment "to see Sam." She was still at work so I sat with Daniel and his sister. Out of nowhere, he leaned over and kissed me. "If you really want to do this, you need to tell her. It's only fair." She said to him. I looked at Daniel confused. "I want to ask you out but there's something about me that I have to tell you." Daniel said to me. He took my hand and lead me out to the courtyard. We sat on a bench and he hung his head down. He told me that he was in a halfway house on a juvenile corrections facility from the time he was 15 until he turned 18. "I'm not allowed to get in contact with some of my family, and the rest just refuse to talk to me. Jessi is the only one who forgave me, the only family I have." I asked him why. "When I was 15, I sexually assaulted my 6 year old sister, more than once." I couldn't believe it. I wondered what it was about me that attracted wackos. But seeing the shame in his face made me force myself to see passed his past. I needed a safe place to do drugs. I took his hand and kissed him. We became a couple that night, even though looking at him made me sick.

Ninja moved in the next day. He had just been kicked out of Jeremy’s house by his parents and I asked Daniel if Ninja could live with him, just for a little while. I had noticed that I had become attracted to Ninja and wanted to make sure he was okay. Each day after school, we all congregated at the apartment and pooled our money together. Then Ninja called someone and poof, we had dope. We sat and smoked. Daniel had never been high in his life and I convinced him to try dope. I sat in front of him and coached him, just like Ninja had with me. I pulled a hit for him and he was hooked. When the meth was gone, we sat and smoked cigarette after cigarette. Then it was time for me to go to work.

After one eventful night of drugs, Mel was called home and Sam had to go to work. Daniel was in an interview for a night stocking job at Walmart. It was my day off so Ninja and I were left to our own devices. We caught up with Jeremy and Steven, and got in Jeremy’s car. We drove around for a while when Jen called. I told her we would be over in a few minutes to give her a ride to work. When we picked her up, there was so much junk in the back seat that I had to sit in Ninja's lap to let her in, which I didn't mind. "You guys look like you've had fun." She said. "We been high." Ninja told her. "Weed or what?" Jen asked, even though she knew the answer. "METH!" Ninja howled. Jen rolled her eyes and mumbled something about us needing to quit. She hopped out of the car when we got to her work and waved.

I tried to roll out of Ninja's lap when there was room again, but Ninja put his arms around me and wouldn't let me. I was upset that our flirting could go no further because I couldn't betray Mel and I was afraid to get Daniel mad at Ninja because he could kick him out.

The next day, I had another day off and was feeling great. I went to the apartment and Ninja said he just scored some Oxycontin. I'd heard of it but had no idea what it was. I didn't ask though, I didn't care. Ninja had also been to the store and had bought 3 new syringes. "Wanna try this?", he asked Daniel. Daniel looked at me. Poor thing was trying so hard to impress me, so he agreed. "Me first!" I yelled. After Ninja broke down the pills in water, he shot it up then gave one to Mel . He only had one syringe left and asked if Danny would mind sharing with me. He didn't. So Ninja put the tourniquet on me. By this time I knew the routine so I pumped my hand and found a good vein. Then Ninja slipped the needle in. I felt nothing. 6 hours later I still felt nothing. I decided that I hated oxy. It was a waste of time.